Smith & Jones Releases 2015 Healthcare Marketing Trends White Paper

Agency Publishes Paper on 12 Trends Affecting Hospital Marketing in 2015

To help everyone prepare for what’s ahead, we published a new white paper titled, “2015 Healthcare Marketing Trends.” Available for download on our website, this white paper discusses 12 marketing trends hospitals will face in the coming year.


Last year, our trends for 2014 included content marketing, responsive web design and the use of video. This year, we are seeing these trends continue to evolve. We are also predicting some new trends, such as the value of long term relationships over social impressions and likes, a brand new fusion of two types of content and the importance of transparency to the new, high-deductible-insurance-plan-buying e-patient.

“In 2014, the big buzz word was content,” said Mark Shipley, Co-founder and Strategy Director of Smith & Jones. “However, what most organizations found is that without a distribution strategy, content falls flat. In 2015, we are predicting organizations focusing on quality content over quantity, a bigger emphasis on creativity and a social distribution strategy to reach the largest possible audience.”

In addition to the evolution of content marketing in 2015, other marketing trends discussed in the white paper include:

  • Shorter content for higher patient engagement
  • Relevance is the new authenticity
  • Mobile is #1
  • The future of retargeting: pre-targeting

Download “2015 Healthcare Marketing Trends” here.