2014 Healthcare Marketing Trends

Strategies, media and messaging trends for hospitals and practices

In the competitive marketplace of 2014, the goal of healthcare organizations will be to engage a new breed of care seekers; consumers who are as informed and self directed in their care decisions as any retail shopper.  In the white paper linked below, we’ll look at the trends that are influencing their strategies, media choices and messaging tactics as healthcare marketing seeks to win the attention and loyalty of the new healthcare consumer.

To accomplish this task, healthcare marketers will be challenged to translate their brand messaging to make it relevant to these brand-sensitive consumers, and appropriate for the individual’s decision stage. They will push out the boundaries of the new marketing frontier, delving deeper into social networks and new digital media technologies to target elusive online communities. And they will implement some of the most narrowly targeted and carefully integrated marketing campaigns ever created.

To see all ten trends, download the white paper, “Healthcare Marketing’s Top Trends for 2014” here.