Oncologist interview video of the week

Ellis Medicine One2One Oncologist Web Video

This interview with Max S. Laguerre, radiation oncologist at Ellis Medicine, is one of several online videos that supports the hospital system’s 2012 oncology campaign, One2One Conversations. Launching this past April, One2One is a multi-channel advertising and branding campaign that includes TV spots, long-form web videos, posters, print and display advertisements that feature patient stories, as well as interviews with oncologists that are available on the Ellis website.

In this video, Laguerre describes the team approach to cancer care at Ellis Medicine and how it benefits the patients. He explains that fighting cancer often requires a combination of specialized treatments, delivered in carefully planned stages. Ellis Medicine’s innovative team approach is a model for integrated cancer care that brings together specialists from varied fields to deliver the most effective treatments for each patient’s situation.

The physician interviews allow patients to get to know the doctors at Ellis Medicine and learn about the hospital’s practices and procedures. The videos give patients an idea of what and who they can expect if they choose to receive care at Ellis and give a more friendly and humanized quality to the doctors, helping to minimize the stereotype of a stuffy white coat.