Mobile medical applications #2: AirStrip

Real time stat monitoring from bed side or table side

AirStrip has a series of mobile apps that enable doctors to read real-time EKGs, patient vitals, lab results and much more whether they are in the hospital or out to dinner. Once the system is installed in a hospital, AirStrip apps can be accessed securely from virtually all cell providers on almost all mobile devices such as the iPhone or iPad, and allow doctors to see waveform patterns, bedside alarms, and other patient data.


This new technology makes clinicians available anytime, which allows for accurate diagnosis and timely treatment in situations where time is of the utmost importance.

A demo of the app can be viewed here.

To illustrate this, a recent story was run about a firefighter in upstate NY that was suffering a heart attack. The hospital and EMTs had recently started using a service called Cardiac Connect that includes the AirStrip Cardiology app, and by utilizing this new system, they were able to drastically reduce the treatment time for the firefighter. Hospitals benchmark door to balloon time (the time from when the patient arrives at the hospital, to the time the artery is opened) at 90 minutes. Cardiac Connect and AirStrip reduced the time in this case to just 18 minutes. You can view the full story here.

AirStrip currently offers apps for Cardiology, OB, and Patient Monitoring.
More info about AirStip can be found at their website.