Testing owned media in the waiting room

The waiting room is the perfect place to help patients understand more about their condition and use their time wisely and better once they see their doctor. It is important to measure whether or not your owned media is working and beneficial to others.


First and foremost, it is a good idea to outline the goals for owned media in your marketing strategy. Some goals may be:

  • Increasing patient knowledge and awareness of different diseases, conditions and treatment options
  • Improving the doctor-patient conversation during the appointment visit
  • Enforcing the impact of treatment decisions for patients

Knowledge of conditions, treatment options and awareness can be measured with survey instruments, such as Verilogue, that gathers insights on the quality of patient-physician discussions.

Diagnostic or treatment impact can be evaluated with pilots and controlled experiments. For example, you could increase the amount of cardiac-specific education sources and measure the impact on referral rates or prescription drug data using anonymous patient information.

By measuring your owned media’s effectiveness, you will continue to improve the patients’ experience in your waiting room.

Related Post: Waiting rooms are the place for owned media