Question Mark: What’s the easiest way to create our organization’s core values?

Mark Shipley answers your healthcare marketing queries

Q: What’s the easiest way to create our organization’s core values?

A: Make it a team project and follow through


Today’s question is: what’s the easiest way to create our organization’s core values? Core values are a set of terms that an organization would use to be able to show their employees how they’re supposed to act. The characteristics or the personality of the experience that you wish to deliver to your patients. And the easiest way to create core values is you get a group of people in a room, you ask them each to write down three names. Two of the names should be people within the organization that aren’t in the room that are essential to the success of the organization and the third name should be somebody if you were to recruit them, they could actually help you reach your goals.

And once everybody has those names down, you can go and put them up on a board and you should find that there are some names that are duplicates. You go through those names and you ask people what are the characteristics of those people that got their names on the list and once you start listing those things out, what you will see are a bunch of patterns and those patterns will lead you to the four or five core values that tell people how they’re supposed to act in your organization.

Thank you for watching Question Mark. If you have a question you can send it to me at [email protected] and if you’d like to sign up for our content, you can do so on our website.