Digital marketing strategy

Integrating traditional and digital media technologies

Digital media technologies are transforming the patient decision process and changing the focus of healthcare marketing. Marketers have been forced to develop new competencies in social media, search, mobile technologies and targeted online advertising. Smith & Jones has helped our clients embrace digital media for a more fully integrated strategy, more sophisticated implementation and greater success than ever before.

The high cost of mass media real estate means that in most formats, there simply isn’t time or space to deliver deep, informative content that consumers want. However, offline advertising can be highly effective in building traffic and audiences for your online inbound marketing content. By using short URLs, or links to campaign landing pages, healthcare marketers can use mass media channels to drive consumers to websites or social channels.

  • Social media: While popular social media platforms such as Facebook, and Twitter are still viable, marketers need to establish a presence on emerging platforms such as Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram and others to continue to build audiences.
  • SEO/SEM: Search and paid search have become an integral part of our hospital inbound marketing strategies, bolstering web traffic and driving patients to online content to satisfy their appetite for information.
  • Mobile: It’s estimated that 75% of the world’s population has a mobile phone; most with access to the Internet. Healthcare marketers must adapt content to the mobile market with messaging, site layout and content appropriate to the consumer’s stage in the decision process.
  • Targeted online ads: Online display and ad retargeting will increase visibility on the web, and help maximize healthcare marketing budgets to reach younger, connected audiences.

Digital media represents a huge opportunity for healthcare brands, especially when supported by offline and traditional marketing efforts. If your organization could use some help in identifying the appropriate channels and creating meaningful digital strategies to attract patients, contact us.