Company culture part one: Hiring and firing based on core values

Setting the stage for how doctors, nurses and other staff should act

A flashy resume with impressive credentials may seem like a good reason to hire a job candidate, but let’s not forget about the most important piece of the puzzle: character. If you want to ensure your employees share similar values and have a clue about what’s important to your organization, then your hospital or health system should identify and communicate core values. In short, core values are the characteristics that define and guide your relationships with everyone at your organization. Your values should be honest and clear so that employees understand what you expect of them and their co-workers. For example, “quality care” is too vague to be a core value, however, “care with a smile” is better because it’s detailed and precise.

It’s true; you spend more time with the people you work with than your family. Don’t waste time on employees that don’t live your values. Core values can help you set the stage for how staff members should act at your organization. Hold them accountable, and if they can’t follow through, replace them with someone who can.

How to take action:

  • Make core values an integral part of the organization’s vocabulary
  • Share stories of people at your hospital or health system living core values regularly
  • Incorporate core values into your interview process & performance reviews
  • Reward them if they follow through or fire them if they don’t

Next week, we will discuss how to create a positioning statement that resonates with your brand. Chances are, your organization already has a lengthy mission statement packed with lofty goals. A positioning statement is more concise and is easier to remember. Learn how this can add value to your brand internally in the next installment of this series.