Keeping millennials coming back to your physician practice

A Millennial’s decision to switch dentists after only six months

This morning my dentist told me I had two cavities, and I decided I was never going back to his practice. In the six months I’ve been going to this dentist, I’ve had two cleanings and hundreds of dollars in dental work done. So, this morning when he told me I needed more, I had a feeling something was wrong and questioned him. I got the feeling he was trying to get me to spend my money on dental procedures I didn’t really need, and he lost my trust when he doubted my intuition.


ThinkstockPhotos-151684615_570wResearch suggests that my behavior is typical for millennials like me. According to Hospitals and Healthcare Networks Magazine, “Gen Xers and Millennials are much more likely to switch physicians and hospitals if the providers fail to meet expectations.” Boomers and the Silent Generation on the other hand, typically listen to their doctors and are loyal to them throughout most of their lives.

I view my doctor and dentist like I would view a mechanic or a contractor. If I don’t feel like I can trust my doctor’s advice, I’m going to take my business somewhere else. New generations of healthcare consumers are certainly shoppers, even when it comes to health care. We’re likely to question our providers, seek out second opinions and take the less expensive route to health.

Millennials like me simply won’t accept a procedure or prescription without full understanding of what they’re doing and what their options are. Since my generation is made up of nearly 80 million adults, many of whom are gaining independence and starting to make their own healthcare decisions, care providers will need to tailor their messaging to millennials to get them to make an appointment. Millennials expect practices with a positive reputation and word of mouth referrals from their large social networks. Above all, millennials (and other generations) will keep coming back if they feel a connection with their doctors and feel they can trust in their provider.