Smith & Jones collects no personally identifiable data for most users of our website. When we do collect personally identifiable data, it is always with the users consent and only when a user volunteers it. 

All data is controlled by Overit Multimedia, Inc / Smith & Jones. The data we collect is stored indefinitely, and limited to email addresses, names, and your preferences for communication. In the event that you schedule a phone conversation with us, we may ask you to share information about your needs, which will be shared with our sales and marketing teams. 

Smith & Jones uses data for four purposes:

  • To send emails to users who have chosen to receive them
  • To better understand our prospects and clients
  • To understand how users interact with our website. 
  • To personalize the content of our website to better serve users

We do not transfer or share your data, and users may request to have their data deleted by emailing