Vassar Brothers Hospital

With their new maternity wing still under construction, Vassar Brothers Medical Center couldn’t rely on facility tours or interior photography to attract expectant mothers. What message or strategy would assure the new center a successful launch and quick rise to 100% census?
Our research told us mothers-to-be want to feel in control. They want to choose the birth experience that’s right for them. And they choose the people (and hospital) who will support their decisions. We used models that represented the stage of pregnancy that coincided with our target audience. And we used a simple call to action that offered an informative and interactive DVD with tools to help them plan and retain control during their delivery.
The maternity campaign introduced Vassar Brothers’ new birthing center, without benefit of facility tours or photos. This award-winning print, broadcast and interactive campaign achieved 100% census within a month of the new wing opening, a quick 50% expansion of capacity and an increase in deliveries from 1,900 to 2,800 in one year. We’d call that a successful delivery.
Are you leveraging the real drivers and influences on consumers’ purchase decisions to make emotional connections with your customers?