Heart attacks waiting to happen

Our research process uncovered an abundance of risk factors. A full 16% of residents in the primary service area smoke. Another 30% are obese, while access to adequate healthy food lags national averages. As we dug deeper, we found that Idaho’s public education system is ranked 48th out of 50 states. In Portneuf’s region, high school graduation rates are among the lowest in the state. It was clear that residents just didn’t know how to take care of their hearts. This is a population at-risk.

Generations of farmers, generations of heart disease

Our creative team had handled tough educational challenges before. We knew our message would carry more weight if it was delivered by a well-respected member of the community. When we met Klaren Koompin, we knew we had our guy. A third generation family farmer, Klaren lost his father to heart disease. After suffering a heart attack himself, he learned that a genetic mutation was partially to blame.

That hit home for Klaren. His son, Pete, was being groomed to take over the family business. Pete was likely to have the same gene that had touched previous generations, and Klaren worried that without proper treatment his son may be the last of the Koompin name. Through vivid video of the local landscape and real, heartfelt emotion, we told the story; balancing the family’s deep-rooted connection to the land with their soft-hearted dedication to each other. This counterpoint helped Portneuf change minds and, just maybe, save lives.

If this campaign warmed your heart, let’s talk. We’d love to show you, step by step, how to change perceptions in your service area.

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